
Monday, July 13, 2015

DIY Butcher Block Counter Tops - A Year Later

Many have asked me how my DIY butcher block countertops have held up over time. (If you haven't read all about them, start here.) I am happy to report they are still as beautiful as ever!

We installed the counter tops in our rental property in early Spring of 2014. It is now July of 2015 and the countertops have endured well over a year of tenant abuse. Take a look for yourself!

As great as these tenants were, you know tenants don't take care of rentals like they would their own home. So I can assume these took some abuse over the past year - but you'd never know!! I was happy to see there was no water damage around the sink or dishwasher (where steam tends to be released from the underside - which damaged the previous laminate tops!). No scratches or imprints of any kind - no signatures that transferred through the piece of paper and became a permanent part of the countertops. Not even any knife scratches! (This is probably thanks to the tenants!)

The ONLY damage is this sad little spot:
I don't know what it is or how it came to be, but the larger spot is about the size of a quarter. Although it does make me sad to look at, in the grand scheme of things it's soooooo minor compared to what could have happened after more than a year with renters. If you run you hand over the spot you cannot feel it at all..... heat damage maybe? It probably wouldn't have happened on my watch, but I am still not complaining.

(Yes, those are my pink tools. My husband thought it was cute... I agree!)

I would HIGHLY recommend doing this in your own home! Buyers have RAVED about how beautiful our tiny little kitchen is and agents have submitted feedback that buyers love the counters and the big beautiful (cheap) sink.  We had a full price offer on the home on the second day it was on the market, so we must be doing something right! 

In the end: Yes! Do it!! I'd definitely do it again! These countertops saved us a fortune over even laminate and look about a zillion times better. 

Check out my previous blogs if you want to know how it was done!

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